FOR-related Media






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Other media of interest

Justin Q Taylor, Peter Kovacik, James Traer, Philip Zakahi, Christine Oslowski, Alik S. Widge, Christin A. Glorioso, 2016. Point of view: Avoiding a lost generation of scientists

Harris R., 2014.  After The NIH Funding ‘Euphoria’ Comes The ‘Hangover’

Harris R., 2014.  Top Scientists Suggest A Few Fixes For Medical Funding Crisis

Harris R., 2014.  When Scientists Give Up.

Harris R., 2014.  Too Few University Jobs For America’s Young Scientists.

Bourne H., 2014 and prior.  Biomedwatch blogposts

Petsko G., 2013.  The Post-doctoral Situation (seminar)

Yamamoto K., 2014.  Time to rethink Graduate and Postdoc Education (seminar)

Kilpatrick S., Behrens C., Sorge A., Burtscher L., Scacioc A., 2015 Junior Max Planck researchers win reforms

Powell K., 2015. The future of the postdoc

Lieff Benderley B., 2015. Eroding benefits for UMD postdocs? 

Collins M., 2015. On the ‘benefits’ of Postdocs

Callaway E., 2015. Young scientists go for fresh ideas

Bernstein R., 2015. Postdocs discuss proposals for change

Rimer S., 2015. Too Many Postdocs, Too Little Funding


Links to other resources

Keystone Symposia


Gibbs Jr. K. D.  Diversity in STEM: What It Is and Why It Matters.  Scientific American 2014.

Gibbs Jr. K. D., McGready J., Bennett J.C., Griffin K. Biomedical Science Ph.D. Career Interest Patterns by Race/Ethnicity and Gender. PLoS One, 2014; 9(12): e114736.

Roca A.I. Issues that Impact the Success of Minority Postdocs. DiverseScholar, 2010; 0:0.

Roca A.I. Redirecting National Attention to the Needs of Underrepresented Postdocs. DiverseScholar, 2012; 3:4.

Roca A.I. Minority Postdocs are the Source for Future Faculty of Color. DiverseScholar, 2013; 4:2.

Technology transfer

Boettiger S. and Bennett A. B.  Bayh-Dole: If we knew then what we know now.  Nature Biotechnology, 2006; 24 (3): 320-1.


National Research Council (US) Committee to Study the National Needs for Biomedical, Behavioral, and Clinical Research Personnel.  Research Training in the Biomedical, Behavioral, and Clinical Research Sciences.  National Academies Press (US), 2011.

Benderly B. L., 2010.  The Real Science Gap.  Pacific Standard

Cyranoski D., Gilbert N., Ledford H., Nayar A. and Yahia M. Education: The PhD factory.  Nature 2011; 472: 276-279.

Gibbs Jr. K. D., Griffin K. A. What Do I Want to Be with My PhD? The Roles of Personal Values and Structural Dynamics in Shaping the Career Interests of Recent Biomedical Science PhD Graduates. CBE Life Sci Educ 2013; 12: 4711-723.

Polka J., 2014.  Where will a biology PhD take you?

Powell K.  The Postdoc Experience: High Expectations, Grounded in Reality

Sauermann H., Roach M.  Science PhD Career Preferences: Levels, Changes, and Advisor Encouragement.  PLoS One, 2012; 7 (5): e36307.

Stephan P. How to Exploit Postdocs. BioScience 63(4):245-246. 2013


Alberts B.  Overbuilding Research Capacity.  Science, 2010; 329: 1257.

Diaz-Martinez L.  Are Unpaid Postdocs the Next Trend in Biomedical Research?  ASCB post, 2014.

Martinson B. C.  Universities and the money fix.  Nature, 2007; 449: 141-2.

Russo E.  Victims of Success.  Nature, 2003; 422: 354-355.

Merits and incentives

Hines  W. C., Su Y., Kuhn I., Polyak K. and Bissell M. J.  Sorting Out the FACS: A Devil in the Details.  Cell Reports, 2014; 6: 779-81.

Nosek B. A., Spies J. and Motyl M. Scientific Utopia: II – Restructuring Incentives and Practices to Promote Truth Over Publishability. Perspectives on Psychological Science, 2012.

Sovacool B. K.  Exploring Scientific Misconduct: Isolated Individuals, Impure Institutions, or an Inevitable Idiom of Modern Science?  Journal of Bioethical Inquiry, 2008; 5 (4): 271-82.

van Dijk D., Manor O. and Carey L. B.  Publication metrics and success on the academic job market.  Current Biology, 2014;  24 (11) R516–R517.  PI Predictor:

Workforce structure

Bourne H. R. and Lively M. O.  Iceberg Alert for NIH.  Science, 2012; 337 (6093): 390.

Martinson B. C.  The academic birth rate.  EMBO Reports, 2011; 12 (8): 758-62.

Alberts B., Kirschner M. W., Tilghman S. and Varmus H. Rescuing US biomedical research from its systemic flaws.  PNAS, 2014; 111(16): 5773-5777.

Baker B. The End of the Academy?  BioScience, 2014; 64 (8): 647-652.

Berg J., 2014. Gender differences in R00 institutions

Bloume-Kohout M. E. and Clack J. W. Are Graduate Students Rational? Evidence from the Market for Biomedical Scientists PLoS One, 2013;8(12): e82759. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0082759 (via University of Wisconsin-Madison)

Bourne H. R.  A recipe for mediocrity and disaster, in five axioms.  eLife, 2013a; 2: e01138.

Bourne H. R. The writing on the wall. eLife 2013b; 2:e00642.

Bourne H.  Point of view: A fair deal for PhD students and postdocs.  eLife, 2013c; 2: e01139.

Daniels R. J. A generation at risk: Young investigators and the future of the biomedical workforce. PNAS, 2015; 112 (2): 313-8.

Larson R. C. and Gomez Diaz M. Nonfixed Retirement Age for University Professors: Modeling Its Effects on New Faculty Hires. Serv Sci. 2012 March ; 4(1): 69–78. doi:10.1287/serv.1120.0006

Larson R. C., Ghaffarzadegan N. and Xue Y. Too Many PhD Graduates or Too Few Academic Job Openings: The Basic Reproductive Number R0 in Academia.Syst Res Behav Sci. 2014 ; 31(6): 745–750. doi:10.1002/sres.2210.

Teytelman, L. Is the world producing more PhDs than it needs? Quora, 2015.