On Sept 12, from 1-2pm EST Future of Research (@FORsymp) and the Union of Concerned Scientists (@SciNetUCS) will co-host a Tweetchat on “Mentoring the future,” talking about what mentoring in science is/should be, and how we should change the culture of mentoring in science. Follow along at #MentoringFutureSci
Questions will be posting the questions from the @FORsymp account and then made that into a Storify, such as we did here for the #forchangingscience tweetchat we held recently.
Invited participants include:
The National Research Mentoring Network (NRMN): @NRMNET
The Future PI Slack Channel: @FuturePI_Slack
Postdoc Pinar Gurel: @pinar_gurel
Corey Welch, Director, STEM Scholars Program for UR-students: @CoreyWelch_STEM
This chat is to help prepare us for discussions at the Ethical and Inspiring Mentorship in STEM (FoR College Park) meeting to be held September 21st, 2017 at University of Maryland, as part of National Postdoctoral Appreciation Week #NPAW2017. You can find out more info about that meeting here, and register to attend here!
This event is co-hosted by the Union of Concerned Scientists.