Boston Future of Research Symposium
- Data: Why don’t we know how many postdocs there are? How many PhDs and postdocs should there be?
- Academic data and the labor market
- Economics of science
- The effects of academia on diversity in science
- Career diversity
- Connecting early career scientists across the US
The goal of each session will be to elucidate opinion on which challenges are most important to address, and to develop recommendations for moving toward an equitable, sustainable research enterprise. Hack Day After the panel discussions, on Saturday October 24th, there will be a “Hack Day”, where participants will gather data, develop data collection tools, and generally come up with practical solutions to address questions identified in the panel discussions on previous days. There will be substantial cash prizes for winning groups kindly provided by the American Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology (ASBMB), so the stakes are high (not only for the future of biomedical research) to make sure there is useful output from this meeting! The output After the symposium, we will publish a variety of reports representing the findings, aimed at different target audiences across academia and the public. What form this output will take will largely be determined by the Hack Day projects and their outcomes. What next? This conference will continue to provide information to young scientists in addition to giving them a voice in defining the future culture and practice of science. Furthermore, we will continue the process of working with policy-makers, administrators, and senior scientists on achieving needed change. We hope that this meeting can serve as an example to all across academia in gathering data on our research system, rather than simply making assumptions about what needs to be changed. Our meeting last year, and the attention it received, makes clear that we have an important role to play in contributing to the conversations – and actions – on improving the future of research.
Sarah Mazzilli (BU) & Gary McDowell (Tufts) – Lead organizers Jessica Polka (HMS), Erica Walsh (Brigham & Women’s), Patricia Goodwin (Brandeis), Kearney Gunsalus (Tufts) – FOR Executive Committee
Alina Chan (HMS), Trish Goodwin (Brandeis), Rebeccah Lijek (HMS), Carrie Niziolek (BU), Jessica Polka (HMS), David Riglar (HMS), Erica Walsh (BWH), Cara Weismann (UMass Med) – Symposium Organizational Committee
Additional volunteers: André Bastos (MIT), Thomas Bowman (Tufts), Ayesha Islam (MASS AWIS), James Kraemer (MIT), Vaibhav Pai (Tufts), Eldi Schoenfeld (MIT), Joseph Zullo (HMS)
Meeting information
- some changes to the Hack Day schedule apply, see below for details.
The symposium will be located on the Boston University Campus. Nearby recommended cash parking locations are the Agganis Arena garage and the Granby lot. All parking lots can be viewed here by selecting “Parking Lots” under “Display.”
Plenary Speaker: Paula Stephan, Professor of Economics, Georgia State University, Author of How Economics Shapes Science (copies of the book will be available on sale for $15 at the symposium).
Other confirmed speakers:
- Jonathan Dinman, Professor of Microbiology University of Maryland, College Park
- Beryl Lieff Benderley. Eroding benefits for UMD postdocs? Science Careers, April 7, 2015.
- Eve Marder, Professor of Biology (Brandeis)
- Marder, E. Living science: Looking out for future scientists. eLife 2014.
- Michael Teitelbaum, Senior Research Associate, Harvard Law School
- Teitelbaum, M. S. Falling Behind?: Boom, Bust, and the Global Race for Scientific Talent. (Princeton University Press, 2014).Marder, E. Living science: Looking out for future scientists, eLife, 2014;3:e04901
- Melanie Sinche, Senior Research Associate in the Labor and Worklife Program at the Harvard Law School.
- Founding Director of the FAS Office of Postdoctoral Affairs at Harvard University, held the same position at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, and served as a consultant to the National Institutes of Health in building the Career Services Center for over 9,000 intramural trainees.
- Chris Pickett, American Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology (ASBMB)
- Pickett, C. L. et al. Toward a sustainable biomedical research enterprise: Finding consensus and implementing recommendations. PNAS 2015.
- Rafael Luna, Harvard Medical School, Keystone Symposia Fellow and Luna Scientific Storytelling
- Moon Duchin, Tufts University
- Laura Vanderkam. Blazing a trail for women in math: Moon Duchin. Scientific American, 2008.
- Alberto Roca,
- A.I. Roca (2010) Issues that Impact the Success of Minority Postdocs. DiverseScholar 0:0
- A.I. Roca (2013) Minority Postdocs are the Source for Future Faculty of Color. DiverseScholar 4:2
- Josh Nicholson, The Winnower
- Misty Heggeness, Labor Economist at the National Institutes of Health
Thursday October 22, 2015 (4-7 PM)
COM Auditorium (COM101), Boston University
3.30 PM: Registration
4.00 PM: Welcome & Introductions
4.30 PM: Panel 1: Defining the Postdoc: A Grassroots Perspective
Moderators: Rebeccah Lijek (HMS) & David Riglar (HMS, @driglar)
Abigail Anderson (NYU, NYU PoIntS, @NYUpostdocs)
Kyle Dolan (U Chicago, FORChicago, @KyleDolan7)
Kristin Krukenberg (Shire, FORSymp 2014, @k_kruken)
Julie Moncaster (BU, National Postdoctoral Association (NPA, @nationalpostdoc), @JulietAdvocSci)
Tobias Otto (Boston Postdoctoral Association (BPDA))
5.45 PM: Panel 2: Defining the Postdoc: An Institutional Perspective
Moderators: Rebeccah Lijek (HMS) & David Riglar (HMS, @driglar)
Cynthia Fuhrmann (UMass Med School Center for Biomedical Career Development (@GSBSCareer, @CnFuhrmann)
James Gould (HMS Postdoctoral Office, @HMSpostdoc)
Sarah Hokanson (BU Postdoctoral Office)
Daniel Jay (Tufts Postdoctoral Office)
Dana Bresee Keeth (MIT Postdoctoral Office)
7:00 PM: Networking Reception with Mass AWIS (@MASSAWIS):
Friday October 23, 2015 (9 AM- 6 PM)
Jacob Sleeper Auditorium (CGS 129), Boston University
8.30 AM: Coffee and Registration
9.00 AM: Keynote: Paula Stephan (Georgia State): The Economics of the Postdoctoral Position
10.00 AM: Panel 3: Academic Data and the Labor Market
Moderator: Gary McDowell (Tufts, @BiophysicalFrog)
Jonathan Dinman (U Maryland)
Eve Marder (Brandeis)
Melanie Sinche (Jackson Labs)
Paula Stephan (Georgia State)
Michael Teitelbaum (Harvard Law)
11.30 AM: Panel 4: Career Paths
Moderators: Erica Walsh (BWH, @waleric1) & Cara Weismann (UMass)
Sarah Cardozo Duncan (Career Strategist)
Tyler Ford (Addgene, @Addgene, @TyFordFever)
Misty Heggeness (NIH, @NIH)
Chris Pickett (ASBMB, @ASBMB, @ChrisPickett5)
Brian Plosky (Cell Press, @molecularcell, @BrianPlosky)
1.00 PM: Lunch
Move to COM Auditorium (COM101), Boston
2.00 PM: Panel 5: Early Career Researchers in Publishing
Sponsored by Elsevier
Moderators: Sarah Mazzilli (BU, @DrSMazz) & Karen Carniol (Cell)
Heather Fleming (Broad Institute, @broadinstitute)
Kinga Hosszu (Faculty of 1000, @F1000, @KingaNYC)
Meredith LeMasurier (Nature Neuroscience, @NatureNeuro)
Josh Nicholson (The Winnower, @theWinnower)
Debbie Sweet (Cell Press, @CellStemCell, @CellPressNews, @biologyfan)
Marian Walhout (UMass Med)
3.30 PM: Panel 6: Diversity
Moderator: Jessica Polka (HMS, @jessicapolka)
Moon Duchin (Tufts)
Rafael Luna (HMS)
Joan Reede (HMS)
Alberto Roca (, @MinorityPostdoc)
Jessica Tytell (MASS AWIS, @MASSAWIS, @JessTytell)
5.00 PM: Closing Remarks
Saturday October 24, 2015 (9 am – 11 pm)
Hack Day with ASBMB
9:00 AM EST: Start
1:00 PM EST: Lunch provided in Boston location
7:00 PM EST: Dinner provided in Boston location
11:00 PM EST: Project submission deadline